
3,8 (261)
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Software de gestión del clubes todo en uno.

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3,8 /5
Relación calidad-precio
Facilidad de uso
Asistencia al cliente

de los usuarios recomienda esta aplicación
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261 opiniones

Calificación general
  • Sector: Deportes
  • Tamaño de la empresa: Trabajador autónomo
  • Software usado A diario durante 1-5 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 0.0 /10

no cumplen con los pactadoo, servicio pèsimo, publicidad engañosa

Revisado el 4/7/2024

Puntos a favor

tener el un tiempo de formaciìon e implementaciòn sin cargo es una ventaja y por eso en un principio elegì virtualgym


Comprè el servicio de virtualgym hace dos meses. Soy entrenadora y utilizo la app para crear rutinas, subir videos de clases y armar la dietas. En la publicidad de virtual gym dice que el sistema arma dietas personalizadas creadas por dietistas profesionales de la universidad de Amsterdam . Comprè el plan màs caro por el descuento que me ofrecieron para tener mi propia app. Te ofrecen un mes de formaciòn para configurar la app de manera personalizada. Aùn estando en perìodo de implementaciòn me dì cuenta que no te arma dietas individualizadas. Solo te hace una valoraciòn general acerca de que porcentaje de hidratos, proteinas y micro y macro nutrientes necesita una persona pero no es una dieta individualizada. He utilizado otros softwares mucho mejores que ofrecen las dietas individualizadas basadas en los objetivos y datos de biopedancia y ademàs miles de recetas. Cuando notè que esto no existe en virtualgym, a dos semanas de haber comprado el servicio y estando en perìodo de formaciòn quise cancelar el contrato y me lo denegaron. Además el servicio al cliente es pèsimo. Estuve una semana tratando de comunicarme por telèfono .
Por otro lado el primer mes ya me habìan cobrado un precio que no era el acordado.
soy entrenadora con 20 años de experiencia y he trabajado con otras Apps y esta no la recomiendo para nada..

Calificación general
  • Sector: Deportes
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 2-10 empleados
  • Software usado A diario durante 1-5 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 0.0 /10

No recomiendo Virtuagym

Revisado el 2/1/2025

Una pesadilla, a pesar de que no funciona bien estás atado un año a pagarles y acabas contratando...

Una pesadilla, a pesar de que no funciona bien estás atado un año a pagarles y acabas contratando otra aplicación y pagándoles también a ellos. No la recomiendo

Puntos a favor

No me ha gustado nada, diseño simple y poco atractivo, no se puede usar bien con móvil, añadir a cada nuevo cliente es realmente trabajoso y complicado.


La primera es que te hacen firmar el contrato con prisas para que no lo puedas leer bien.
El segundo es que falla en lo más básico realizas reservas y se borran solas. Un desastre

Usuario verificado
Calificación general
  • Sector: Deportes
  • Tamaño de la empresa: Trabajador autónomo
  • Software usado Semanalmente durante 1-5 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 7.0 /10

Gran variedad de rutinas fitness con planificación ideal

Revisado el 19/7/2023

Me ha ayudado a mantener la constancia a la hora de hacer ejercicio

Me ha ayudado a mantener la constancia a la hora de hacer ejercicio

Puntos a favor

El hecho de tener rutinas ya realizadas, adaptandotelas automáticamente en el calendario para su planificación


El contador de calorias no lo veo muy acertado

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Hi there,

Thank you for leaving this amazing review! We are very happy to see that you are doing great with your consistency while exercising.

If you have any feedback please contact us through

With regards,

Team Virtuagym

Calificación general
  • Sector: Tecnología y servicios de la información
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 10.000+ empleados
  • Software usado A diario durante 1-5 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 10.0 /10

Virtualgym ayuda para mejorar tu fisico

Revisado el 18/5/2023

Puntos a favor

Me ha sido muy útil para llevar el control de la rutina del gym.


Puede mejorar en el momento del registro de las rutinas y el calendario.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Hi Felipe,

We are very happy to hear that you are using Virtuagym to improve your physique!

Keep up the great work.

If you ever need any help, please feel free to contact

With kind regards,
Team Virtuagym

Calificación general
  • Sector: Producción de alimentos
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 11-50 empleados
  • Software usado Semanalmente durante 1-5 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 9.0 /10

excelente app.

Revisado el 24/6/2023

es un aliado a la hora de establecer un buen programa y por ende se obtiene mejores resultados.

es un aliado a la hora de establecer un buen programa y por ende se obtiene mejores resultados.

Puntos a favor

muy buena app. te mantiene en contacto con tus actividades físicas y te mantiene al tanto de tus progresos.


las notificaciones son muy frecuentes perturbando con esto otras actividades.

Calificación general
  • Sector: Recursos Humanos
  • Tamaño de la empresa: Trabajador autónomo
  • Software usado Mensualmente durante Prueba gratis
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Facilidad de uso
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 10.0 /10

Virtuagym, es el mejor Software Fitness

Revisado el 29/3/2023

es muy fácil de usar, ofrece cantidad de características personalizables que pueden mejorar la...

es muy fácil de usar, ofrece cantidad de características personalizables que pueden mejorar la eficiencia y productividad de los usuarios, biblioteca de ejercicios que los usuarios pueden utilizar para crear planes de entrenamiento personalizados

Puntos a favor

programación de entrenamientos, el seguimiento de objetivos y progreso de los miembros, la gestión de reservas y horarios, la creación de planes de entrenamiento personalizado, y el seguimiento de la nutrición y hábitos alimenticios de los miembros.Aplicación móvil


puede ser más costoso que algunos de sus competidores

Calificación general
  • Sector: Servicios individuales y familiares
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 2-10 empleados
  • Software usado Semanalmente durante 1-5 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 0.0 /10

Muchas funcionalidades, hasta que contratas y llegan los peros

Revisado el 4/3/2022

Servicio pesimo, despues de 3 meses aprendiendo como configurar la app con videos tutoriales y...

Servicio pesimo, despues de 3 meses aprendiendo como configurar la app con videos tutoriales y comprender que de lo que me habian vendido a lo que habia recibido se va un mundo, les indico que eso no es en lo que quedamos y me dicen que a pesar de no haber comenzado a utilizar la app, aunque haya pagado puntualmente todos los meses, tengo un contrato anual y que me tengo que atener a el, aunque la app no haga lo que me dijeron ni la vaya a utilizaar.

Puntos a favor

A la hora de adquirir la app buscabamos una forma de realizar seguimiento a nuestros clientes, no somos un servicio de fitmes, pero si de entrenamiento personal aunque dirigido al perro. Asi que las funcionalidades que nos ofrecia de realizar seguimiento es lo que queriamos, una linea directa del cliente con su entrenador, marcarle retos o ejercicios semanales y saber como los estaba realizando el cliente, que pudiera enviarnos videos de los ejercicios para poder darle feedback de la evolución. Compartir con el videos, y poder vender a nuestros clientes un seguimiento y consultoria por una suscripción mensual.
Logicamente, pudiendo reservar nuestros clientes las clases a través de un calendario y que apareciera en el google calendar de nuestros adiestadores, las horas y clases que tenian reservadas. Los clientes podian contratar una mensualidad y dependiendo de la mensualidad el coste de las clases variaba, los FREE pagarian cada clase, los LITE tendrían un descuento y los PREMIUM las clases gratuitas. Logicamente pagando a través de la app que estaria integrado con una plataforma de pago y TPV.
¿Genial verdad?


Que la realidad no tenia nada que ver con lo que nos habian vendido.
El calendario no se sincronizaba y nuestros adiestradores tenian que entrar en la app para consultar si les habian reservado clases o no.
Para inscribirse en clases grupales habia que comprar puntos y luego canjearlos por las clases. Los pagos no se podian realizar a través de nuestro TPV, sino que tenia que ser una plataforma de pago con las que ellos tenian contrato, STRIPE no lo tenian y con PAYPAL no podian pagar suscripciones los clientes, debia ser con domiciliacion bancaria (a nadie le gusta dar los datos bancarios en una app) o a través de otra plataforma MOLLY, que tiene un servicio de atención pesimo, en 3 meses no hemos podido contratar el servicio con ellos. Por lo tanto adios suscripciones.
Las clases no varia el precio dependiendo del tipo de suscripción, sino que tienes que hacer manualmente descuentos, poner varios articulos con varios precios, no existe la posibilidad de contacto directo con el cliente, el cliente no te puede subir videos directamente, el seguimiento consiste en que tu le pongas en un calendario a el cliente un ejercicio y que lo cheque indicando si lo ha hecho o no.
Te cobran 100 Euros/mes "por personalizarte la app" y me encuentro que eso consiste en que le cambian el logo a la app, yo lo que queria es que en las pantallas del cliente en lugar de salir imagenes de gente haciendo fitness aparecieran gente adiestrando perros, y me indican que eso no se puede hacer.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Dear Helga,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

We are genuinely sorry to hear that our product did not fulfill your needs as presented during the sales process.

We pride ourselves on high-quality customer service so it is indeed very sad to hear that your experience with us was not up to par.

If you are open to discussing your experience further, please feel welcome to email us at and we will be happy to help.

Team Virtuagym

Calificación general
  • Sector: Deportes
  • Tamaño de la empresa: Trabajador autónomo
  • Software usado A diario durante 6-12 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 10.0 /10

Mi plataforma

Revisado el 20/12/2021

Puntos a favor

Me permite trabajar de forma dinámica además de poder llegar a mis clientes fácilmente a través de la plataforma y la aplicación


En algunas ocasiones los ejercicios que asigno se presentan en la aplicación del cliente como otros no coinciden

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Dear Jorge,

Thank you for taking the time to share such valuable feedback with us!

It is exciting to hear that you are pleased with our software!

We are committed to improving our product and service, so we will definitely take your feedback into consideration when deciding which features to include in future releases.

Please feel welcome to email us at if we can be of further assistance.

Team Virtuagym

Calificación general
  • Sector: Deportes
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 2-10 empleados
  • Software usado A diario durante Más de un año
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 8.0 /10

Asistencia al cliente excelente

Revisado el 29/7/2022

Puntos a favor

Muy versátil y eficiente a la hora de gestionar reservas, seguimientos y facturación.
La asistencia y trato ante cualquier incidencia ha sido muy buena


Ciertos módulos que no tienen una gran funcionalidad a la hora de implementar una gestión personal del servicio que presta le cliente(empresa). En particular el módulo de "coach"

Calificación general
  • Sector: Deportes
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 2-10 empleados
  • Software usado A diario durante 1-5 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 8.0 /10

Buen producto. Gran servicio.

Revisado el 18/4/2020

Puntos a favor

Gran programa de gestión de clientes para servicios de actividad física. Destacaría el servicio al cliente y el valor añadido que aportan a las empresas.


Integración con sistema de monitorización de actividad más utilizadas en deportes de resistencia (Garmin, Polar, Suunto, Wahoo, etc.)

Respuesta de Virtuagym

"Dear, Samuel

Thank you very much for your review,

We are very happy to hear that our client management tools and features combined with our customer care performance have resulted in great value to your business!

Your feedback is relevant to our continuous improvement efforts. We are always on the look out and in negotiations with various providers about possible integration opportunity. Could you share with us what value would integrations mentioned by you would bring for your business? please email us at using the code JA45975 in the subject line.

Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts!

With warmest regards,

Your Virtuagym Family."

Calificación general
  • Sector: Educación superior
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 51-200 empleados
  • Software usado A diario durante 1-5 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 8.0 /10

Good for Class Projects

Revisado el 15/3/2023

Puntos a favor

The onboarding process was quick and easy. There are a few learning curves but these have been easy to manage as the platform itself has been rather intuitive to work with. The platform suits my needs for what I am using it for (class projects) and has been quite easy for my students and end-users to manage from the feedback received so far.


No major cons so far. I have had some trouble finding specific exercises in the library which can be somewhat time consuming, although the ability to create my own with a video link is a great help. I have had this issue when using other platforms as well.

Alternativas consideradas

ABC Trainerize, PT Distinction y My PT Hub
Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 2-10 empleados
  • Software usado A diario durante Más de dos años
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 8.0 /10

Nutrition App/Meal Plans

Revisado el 23/1/2021

Overall my experience has been well! For the most part about 90% of my clients have been successful...

Overall my experience has been well! For the most part about 90% of my clients have been successful using the app. The other 10% really struggle since they are used to the easiness of MyFitness Pal's tracking features.

Puntos a favor

I only use the Calorie Counter app and meal plan software. I like that I can see all of my clients food logs, load foods into their meals plans, and customize their macros. It makes it easy to monitor my clients intake to ensure they are hitting their goals to lead to results. Being able to save meals is great, especially when I have clients who eat the same meals a lot, or if I want to save a quick meal for my clients to have access too. I also like how my clients can see the little icon (yellow) to let them know I personally input that food item or created a meal. Overall I have enjoyed using the software!


There needs to be a way to create a recipe. One like MyFitness Pal, where you load all of the bulk ingredients of the recipe, then attach the number of servings the entire recipe creates so you can log the single serving. It is too challenging for my clients to log food if there is a recipe involved because it is a VERY length process to create a meal based on serving size when it is cooked in bulk. I believe there also needs to be a feature to track the 3 macros in grams versus percentages. Clients have a better understanding when they know "I have to hit 150g of carbs" versus seeing 100% at the top once carbs are hit. In the app, when you click on the percentage circles it gives a large range of macros to fall within. This does not allow for accuracy to truly see fat loss or muscle gain. When it comes to grams of macros, there is a very small window (5g of Pro/Carbs and 2g Fat) to ensure calories are not way over or under. Right now the app can fluctuate 80g which is HUGE that is 320 calories plus or minus on both carbs and proteins , fats fluctuate close to 22g which could be a 198 calorie difference. If someone continually hit high on those macros they would never lose the fat they desired

When people input foods, there seems to be a lot of confusion when attaching a portion, or just in general since it autofill's to Macros Based on 100g. I have seen many food items input completely wrong, this could really put someone in a bad position when logging .

Alternativas consideradas

ABC Trainerize

Razones para cambiar a Virtuagym

I liked how it was a completely custom set up with a platform for my clients. I like being able to access each clients food diaries as well as have the option to load meals right into their app! It is extremely user friendly on a coaching stand point and I have had no problems navigating it. The price is also much more realistic for me since I am a super small business. There are some small speed bumps I run into, however, I have been good with overcoming them. I do still struggle getting some clients on board to be patient and take time to learn the software.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Hello Elizabeth,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

We are currently working on improving the nutrition app and your suggestions will be, of course, taken into consideration.

Please feel free to contact us at

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: Trabajador autónomo
  • Software usado A diario durante Más de un año
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 3.0 /10

Lacking in development

Revisado el 20/9/2023

Puntos a favor

Liked the graphics for the exercises, nice and clear to understand each exercise from the images.


Had issues for many months just to set up the direct debit to pay for the software. At the time of use the app it was really lacking in development, from aesthetics to functionality. Other competitors had much better functionality such as habit tracking. The only option was to link with Paypal which had quite big payment fees.

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: Trabajador autónomo
  • Software usado A diario durante Más de dos años
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 10.0 /10

Virtuagym for the solo business owner

Revisado el 8/8/2020

They have been really receptive. When their rates did go up - I thought here we go again - and I...

They have been really receptive. When their rates did go up - I thought here we go again - and I would be switching software but we found a solution.

Puntos a favor

I run boutique private training studio, as well run group classes at another facility. Because I am a sole operator, in my research many of these services can be too expensive as they are geared for gyms and bigger studios. Virtuagym worked with me to design a package that met my needs and I really appreciate that.


The report system is geared towards gyms and recruiting new members. I have had the same members for years so would love to see reports broken down by product sold each month vs new members.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Dear Nancy,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about our services!

We're thrilled to hear that you found an all in one solution for your business to drive results and success while keeping it affordable.

Your comments are very valuable to us, which is why we'd like to encourage you to continue providing us with feedback and ideas for us to improve the system every time we can!

You can email us at with suggestions such as the one you mentioned about reports and we'll be glad to embrace your petitions.

With warm regards,

Your Virtuagym Family!

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: Trabajador autónomo
  • Software usado A diario durante 6-12 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 10.0 /10

I love this product for my fitness studio!

Revisado el 7/12/2021

I really appreciated the thorough training across multiple weeks on setting up the software to...

I really appreciated the thorough training across multiple weeks on setting up the software to align with my brand & how to use it the way that best fits my needs as a small town fitness studio. The customer has been fabulous if I ever need to reach out, and my customers seem to enjoy the app experience. It’s great to have a community area that’s away from social media for them, plus they can track their progress & receive extra coaching from me there. It’s been a crucial part of my operation of a small, class-based boutique fitness studio over the last year!

Puntos a favor

I like that I have a custom app for my members to book the classes we schedule, and that it handles all of the transactions for memberships, goods, & services digitally. I don’t have a cash register in my fitness studio, and everyone can use this app.


My biggest struggles with the software are mainly due to tech issues to fully utilize the software AND represent all that I want to in the app, which are probably more due to user error.

Alternativas consideradas


Razones para cambiar a Virtuagym

The quick & helpful response to trying out the software + the customization options won me over.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Hello Jessica,

Thank you for taking the time to leave such a valuable review.

We work very hard to ensure we provide our customers with a high-notch product, so we are very appreciative to know that our efforts have been paying off.

As for the difficulties you have had, you can always reach out to us at for assistance and we will be glad to help!

Team Virtuagym

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 2-10 empleados
  • Software usado A diario durante Más de dos años
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 3.0 /10

Good and Bad

Revisado el 15/12/2021

The part that we really liked was the coach module. That's why we will keep our business partnership...

The part that we really liked was the coach module. That's why we will keep our business partnership.
I don't trust in the other parts, honestly, I don't recommend for a gym or studio.

Puntos a favor

Coach Module (just the program part), I would say that customer centre a few times did a good job.


Finances, Schedule, Clint's Session Control (this part was horrible), Analytics never worked.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Dear Eduardo,

Thank you for sharing this with us.

We are very happy to hear you are pleased with our coaching module.

Nevertheless, our team is continuously working on improving our product, and this is why we will be glad to learn more about your experience with the schedule and the financial portion of the system. If you agree, please email us at to discuss this matter further.

Team Virtuagym

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: Trabajador autónomo
  • Software usado A diario durante 6-12 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 2.0 /10

Not Ideal for Small Business Users

Revisado el 15/9/2020

I wasn't happy with the onboarding process as training was mostly independent and delay response...

I wasn't happy with the onboarding process as training was mostly independent and delay response time from support team.

There was no option to buy out of 12 month agreement due to dissatisfaction with the product so you're left with a product that you dread to use.

Only made use of their software for a couple months before switching to another product. Currently waiting for terms of agreement to expire so I don't have to see my account being billed by them.

Puntos a favor

I enjoyed the community board feature where updates can be posted in real time to the group/clients which promotes interaction.

The app user friendly according to member feedback.


Not ideal for martial arts based businesses.

The templates and features within the software seem catered more towards larger chain gyms/health clubs to track fitness stats important to personal training and traditional group fitness classes.

The initial sales call made it appear that it would be easier for a small business to use, but it didn't feel like that at all.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Dear Brian,

Thank you for providing us with your valuable feedback.

We are glad to hear that our community and engagement module has become such a great tool for you to connect with your members!

Our main goal is to continue improving while providing our clients with the most seamless and complete all-in-one solution package.

Your feedback will be definitely taken into consideration.

If you ever need assistance, you can always reach out to us at, we will be happy to help!

With warm regards,

The Virtuagym Team!

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 2-10 empleados
  • Software usado A diario durante 1-5 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 0.0 /10


Revisado el 25/1/2020

Dealing with virtuagym has been an absolute nightmare. If I could give it less than zero stars, I...

Dealing with virtuagym has been an absolute nightmare. If I could give it less than zero stars, I would.

Puntos a favor

The only positive thing about virtuagym is being able to put our company's circuits in the app for clients to use during open session. However, we were told that we'd be able to film and upload our own exercises and that has only worked once. I've spent HOURS editing and uploading videos only to have them not work. It's beyond frustrating. It took 3 weeks to hear back about this issue and all I received was "Currently, there is a bug that is affecting a few portals the same way and it is almost ready for deployment by our software developers." 6 weeks later and the videos still don't work.


Everything about this software is a joke. We've had countless issues dealing with them and little resolve. The biggest issue we've had is the "system" copying contracts and adding unpaid credits to client’s profiles. We've had over 130 credits applied which is over $10,000 worth of sessions. I work for a small business and if we hadn't noticed this, we would be out of business. We’ve had contracts ended and added by the “system” as well discounts being added or not removed. It takes days, sometimes weeks to hear back from anyone about anything. When they email asking if the “ticket” has been resolved and I say no, they close the ticket out and we never hear back from them regarding the issue. I’ve been asking for weeks to get a call with upper management for my boss to speak with someone and we finally got something worked out and the call was canceled and hour before it was supposed to happen. I would use extreme caution doing business with them. I was not a part of the company when we brought VirtuaGym on, but they must have a good sales team. However, that’s where it ends.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Hello Janine,

We are of course very sorry to hear that you have had such an unfortunate experience. When dealing with software technology it is impossible to avoid bugs, issues, and glitches even for large companies like Google, Apple, Netflix, and Facebook. That, of course, does not make it any better for you as a business and can take away precious time and occasionally money.
Unfortunately some fixes take time, more time than desirable and the support team do their best to answer client queries in response to the problems.

It seems that in your case, the situation was not handled to your satisfaction and we would be happy to discuss it with you in further detail. Please email us at and put reference code AH34431 in the subject line. We look forward to hearing from you!

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 2-10 empleados
  • Software usado A diario durante 6-12 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 2.0 /10

The WORST Customer Service ever....but really good App based system for workout tracking

Revisado el 8/1/2020

I was attracted to them for their features, which I have not found a comparable replacement (maybe...

I was attracted to them for their features, which I have not found a comparable replacement (maybe I'll will try programming my own in the future), but honestly, it is never going to be a one-stop shop as I was hoping with the way their system is going. I absolutely DREAD talking to their customer support system as they are very ignorant and stubborn about their policies, I think there have been a few people [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] who have been understanding of our issues and actually tried to help. Everyone else seems to think that our problems are not their problem, and don't really take the time to truly understand their own software. Payment system is absolute crap, you're better off using a different system like Stripe or Square. Their scheduling went down for a whole day and all we got was a "SORRY" e-mail. I mean...our customers were unable to book for a whole day which is several hundred dollars in revenue and that's all you can say? We switched to a different booking software when that happened. But I will most likely keep virtuagym for the fun features they have like the workout tracking and such (and also because I am inadvertently locked in for a 1-year contract that was never fully explained and keeps increasing because no one will take the charges off....yay.)

Puntos a favor

Their workout trackers are awesome. I love that they integrate with different companies (though maybe not particularly well) as I was trying to set up an integration with AccuroFit and after two month, it still seems they cannot figure out how to do this. I purchased their recommended bioimpedance scales which is great because we are able to run gym challenges, and members love being able to track their lifting workouts and have a workout player whenever they want. We regularly use the community portal aspects of the software and the app based system makes it easy to talk to members and send notifications about specific things.


Their salespeople are good. Good enough that with their features alone they can convince you to purchase a YEAR LONG subscription without trying it out. By the way, they don't ever explain to you what features you're paying for or when your pricing goes up, why that happened because you accidentally made some changes that affect your subscription. The customer support team/on-boarding team is absolutely dismal. From day 1, I felt like I was explaining to their support how their system worked. They have no idea what is going on and they basically give you 2 30 min phone calls and expect you to figure it out on your own (when they can't even figure it out). I wanted to setup a system that allowed for different credits and booking based on levels and their onboarding specialist asked me during our first phone call "What software did you switch from and why?" I explained that I switched from WellnessLiving and what I liked about them and person managing our account told me "Well maybe you should have stuck with them."

They have an difficult system for trying to reach anyone to answer your questions. They use Zendesk, which is both incredibly confusing as it goes into (how I understand it) a central e-mail system which can take them 1-3 days to get back to you. At which point, they respond with very unhelpful advice or flat out ignorance. Also, their pay service integration sucks. It is very difficult to use them for bookkeeping and POS and I ended up just resorting to Square.

Alternativas consideradas

Perfect Gym, ABC Glofox, Vagaro, Acuity Scheduling y Mindbody

Razones para elegir Virtuagym

Needed more interactive community features and better integration with other products.

Software anterior


Razones para cambiar a Virtuagym

Price point and available features, including integrated community and workout trackers

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Dear Amy,

We are glad to hear that you are enjoying the Tracking and the Community modules of our system but are devastated to hear that you had such negative experience with the service that you had received.

We would love to reach out to you and see how we can improve the situation. Please check your in-box :)

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: Trabajador autónomo
  • Software usado A diario durante Más de dos años
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 0.0 /10

Not Worth the Hassle

Revisado el 3/5/2021

Not that great, since the person who told me about the software told me that I had to only give a...

Not that great, since the person who told me about the software told me that I had to only give a month's notice for my license to be cancelled, but I am told I have to give a YEAR's notice. I'd also rate the customer service a 2.5 at best, as they like to blame you, the customer, for any issues.

Puntos a favor

Ease of putting in client info, though I did not like that everyone was automatically a male. Very strange.


If you have clients who have expirations for packages, the software does not keep track of it as users book classes, nor does it keep track of the number of credits left as clients use them. You are only aware when there is none left. There is a pop up that pops up each and every time you log on, even if you click on "no thanks" for the notifications.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Dear Rita,
Thank you for your review. I do think that there was some misunderstanding so I hope we can help to clarify. You had originally purchased the system back in 2018 and used it fully and frequently for 2.5 years without any complaints. So it seems that you were pretty satisfied with the system overall.
Data on packages is available in the Business Analytics section of your portal.
When you purchase the system, there are 3 separate instances where the 12 months agreement is discussed, we never conceal our T&C. So much so that your agreement is available to you any time in your portal.
The 1 month cancellation notice is part of that agreement. 30 days prior to the end of the 12 months cycle, you can give notice that you do not wish to renew. Respecting your long relationship with Virtuagym, we even went as far as waive the entire remaining 6 months on your license in favor of a smaller payout of 3 months. Sadly instead you threatened us with bad reviews :(

All the best!

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 2-10 empleados
  • Software usado A diario durante Más de dos años
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 10.0 /10

Great all-in-one software for managing clubs

Revisado el 18/12/2021

Great support.

Great support.

Puntos a favor

High functionality, great user experience/design


More options for reporting/analytics would be helpful.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Dear Kelly,

Thank you for your time in rating Virtuagym.

We appreciate the confidence you have placed in us, and your feedback will be of course taken into consideration when deciding which features to add and improve to our system.

Please do not hesitate to share your further thoughts by emailing us at and we will make sure to pass them over to our developers.

Team Virtuagym

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 11-50 empleados
  • Software usado A diario durante 1-5 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 7.0 /10

Great for clients, not yet great for the business end

Revisado el 29/7/2020

We were super excited when we found this software, and thought it could do everything we needed....

We were super excited when we found this software, and thought it could do everything we needed. But as we got into the set up and transferring from our old system it was honestly a bit of a let down. It is a better experience for our clients and that is why we are sticking with it but really hope to see some development on the back end side of it so it allows us to more easily run our business.

Puntos a favor

The customer side of this is great. Being able to adjust the app as we want and the ability to program for clients right in the app is awesome. We are getting great reviews from our clients.


The business side of things need some work. There are very simple functions that the system can not yet do like; limit sale of a membership, integrate scheduling types (appointments, classes, enrollments), adjust membership and invoice dates (after expiry, adjusting payment processing...), payroll report function. It makes it a lot harder on our end to manage our business.

Alternativas consideradas

Mindbody y Zendesk Suite

Razones para elegir Virtuagym

We were not happy with the price increases of MB and the current functionality

Software anterior


Razones para cambiar a Virtuagym

We THOUGHT it would do everything we needed and was some bonuses on the client side.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Dear Valarie,

Thank you for sharing your Virtuagym experience!

We're glad to hear that our all in one solution has allowed your business to connect with your members while driving engagement and revenue.

Also, your feedback is very relevant to us as we continue to strive to become the most complete and functional solution for our clients.

Let us remind you to reach out whenever you need us by emailing our support team at we'll make sure to address all questions and keep in mind any suggestions you may have to improve the system overall.

With warm regards,

Your Virtuagym family!

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 2-10 empleados
  • Software usado Semanalmente durante 1-5 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 9.0 /10

Great product with an awesome onboarding experience!

Revisado el 7/8/2023

We have build our health and fitness app for craft beer drinkers on the custom mobile app software....

We have build our health and fitness app for craft beer drinkers on the custom mobile app software. Overall very impressed with all components so far. Professional team of onboarders whcih made the process seamless.

Puntos a favor

Easy to use, great out of the box functionality. Custom mobile app is impressive and works very well.


Could do with more full integrations i.e. with more wearables (Garmin etc). A couple still have a few bugs that need to be ironed out.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Hi Michael,

Thank you so much for your positive review!

We are happy to hear that you are able to use the software right away and that you are impressed with the Custom Mobile App.

We hope to hear more positive results in the future!

If you ever need our help please feel free to contact

Have a great day!

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: 11-50 empleados
  • Software usado A diario durante Más de un año
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 0.0 /10

A platform that doesn't care about the clients

Revisado el 13/3/2023

Puntos a favor

The features. On paper. They were everything we needed.


It bugs all the timethe support team stops communication overall They take us for crazy when we report some bugs though we have scree shots they just say 'oh but nobody else complained" they charge you more money automatically as soon as you reach 150 clients but when you arez under that number they say you need to email them to let them know (i guess the engineers didnt care about reverse automation).

Calificación general
  • Sector: Salud, bienestar y deporte
  • Tamaño de la empresa: Trabajador autónomo
  • Software usado Otro durante 1-5 meses
  • Fuente de la opinión

Calificación general

  • Relación calidad-precio
  • Facilidad de uso
  • Asistencia al cliente
  • Probabilidad de recomendación 0.0 /10

SCAMMERS- BUYERS BEWARE!!! This is long but please read I am trying to save you some coins.

Revisado el 18/12/2018

THE WORST! After a few days of dealing with a faulty product and receiving little to no help with...

THE WORST! After a few days of dealing with a faulty product and receiving little to no help with my issue, I reached out to my account manager, to have my money refunded and contract canceled on 11/8. I've used other services in the past and I've never had to sign any contract that did not "allow" me to cancel, which should have been a red flag. They also have no trial period which is another anomaly with Virtuagym and also, another red flag. She waited just a day before a week (11/14) to respond to me and she claimed that my contract was submitted for cancellation because "management handles cancellations". When I responded and asked who I should be waiting to hear from, she did not respond and that email remains unanswered. I'd like to note that prior to me reaching out for a refund, she was very quick with her replies. After that, getting in contact with someone was nearly impossible no matter how many times I called or emailed them. I made my last call to them the day after Thanksgiving and left a voicemail saying that I was waiting until Monday before I called my bank to dispute the charge. I waited until Wednesday and heard nothing so I disputed the charge. The funniest thing about all of this that the workout editor as I am typing this STILL does not work. Finally, on 12/5, almost a month since I reached out, I got an email saying my contract was being submitted to management...even though she claimed she submitted it on 11/14.

Puntos a favor

I liked the multiple discussion groups that could be created. Theoretically, virtuagym has features that COULD, could being the keyword, change the game. Unfortunately, the system had way too many glitches to be used for business purposes unless you are trying to look like a joke who has no idea what they are doing.


Faulty Workout editor and the other glitches I experienced. I wish I could add video to these reviews to show what the workout editor was doing since its hard to explain, but basically, it was not working as it should AT ALL. Even customer service AND my account manager, who conveniently disappeared when I asked for my money back, admitted that the redirects that were happening within the editor made no sense. It was clearly faulty. I was also unable to message clients within the software because it would tell me "no records found" even though if you went to the client list, they were clearly in the system.

I was also given little to no guidance when I was having an issue with payments, not processing. Basically, everyone has to be manually charged if you have a service fee in place. So all my clients were only being charged the service fee, and the monthly balance would land in outstanding. When I reached out to customer service about this and asked if there was something I need to do manually in order for the rest of the payment to process, I was told no. I even asked a follow-up question to MAKE SURE there was nothing I needed to do. Of course, it was later revealed that the outstanding balances were there because I did not send the invoices, which means YES, you do have to manually process the payments as I guessed when I contacted customer service, even though they apparently don't know this themselves.

Respuesta de Virtuagym

Dear Taylor,

Thank you for writing your detailed review. I made sure to look through your history of communication with our consultants and get a clear picture of the events.

While I would have to dispute your statement about receiving "little to no help" with your issues, as I can see that other than weekends and holidays, the team has been very diligent and fast with their responses; I do see that you had a few issues within the system.

Unfortunately, when dealing with technology, problems will always arise and while we try to deal with the issues quickly and thoroughly to minimize the disruption to your business, at times it can take longer than desired to fix a problem.

I am sorry that you had felt that you were scammed and not delivered what you had expected but I can genuinely say that the team had worked hard to answer and resolve your issues in a timely manner.

Do let us know if there is anything else we can be of assistance with.
